Beloved and what it’s meaning right now…

Caralife; faith 2 Comments

It’s March 4th as I write this. We’re already two months into 2019, and I wonder how that happened. So many things I planned to accomplish by now, but so many relationships that have gone deeper.

I ran some intervals this afternoon after I got home with the kids, and now I can’t breathe. 2018 was filled with days where I could barely force my lungs to take another breathe. This year I can breathe…unless I’ve run intervals in our basement that is. The change is huge. And I need to allow myself to feel it.

I tend to focus on how much internal work I still need to do. I see the lies I’m still allowing in. I feel weak when I reach out to friends because I had a day last week that I needed people. I needed friends who loved me enough to come alongside me and lift my hands like Aaron and Hur did for Moses. And then I turned around and did the same for them and others.

It’s the beauty of community. It’s the beauty of being and experiencing God’s hands and feet here, this side of heaven.

I want the immediate breakthrough to walking around as a billboard of a woman who’s identity is fully secure in her husband’s love and her heavenly Father’s love. But there has been growth, incremental as it is. And I want to take a moment and memorialize that. There may be a day in the future, near or far, when I’ll need to stop and remember. I am loved. I can feel loved. And baby steps are still steps forward.

What is God showing you with your word of the year?

Comments 2

  1. I didn’t have a word until I kept seeing the same one .The word is kind. The Lord is showing me how important it is to be kind.

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