Eric and I went to see One Night with the King today. Very good! If you’re looking for a good film to see, I recommend it. They did a great job of following the Book of Esther, and where they expanded the story, I thought it worked well. Minimal gore — other than in the opening scene. One kiss. I’m …
Boy, there are some days I wished I lived in a simpler time. Time when the most technology available was say the printing press. I’m trying to create a blog for the women’s ministry at church. Blogger is not cooperating. I helped my husband create one for the men’s ministry and thanks to router issues, that took two nights to …
Technology Woes & Book Contests
Boy, there are some days I wished I lived in a simpler time. Time when the most technology available was say the printing press. I’m trying to create a blog for the women’s ministry at church. Blogger is not cooperating. I helped my husband create one for the men’s ministry and thanks to router issues, that took two nights to …
Friday Freebies
I just saw these articles and had to post them. They crack me up! A Canadian woman has won the fastest mouth award at some auctioneer conference. Can you just imagine judging that contest!?!?! And a chicken showed up at a Bloomington, Indiana city council meeting. Open the Indy Star webpage and the picture is the first thing you see. …
Affirmative Action in the News
Last night I spent over two hours on the phone with internet tech support (EXTREMELY frustrating) after a fabulous two hours brainstorming new plots (thanks so much, gals!). If you’ve never brainstormed and played the “what if” game, you really have to try it. You just never know what great ideas will be generated and who of your characters will …
Speaking of Elections: Interview and Review
I have written about The Election by Jerome Teel before. I was personally excited to see someone writing about the intersection of law and politics. Jerome does a great job with that in this book. To me it has the feel of Tom Clancy’s political subplots or a Grisham political thriller. A lawyer is one of the main characters, but …
Elections Carry a Big Pricetag
Make that gigantic. Out of this world. Almost impossible to wrap your mind around. The Center for Responsive Politics, a DC based non-profit, estimates that this year’s election (coming up in less than two weeks) will cost $2.6 Billion. Yep, that’s not a typo. That really is B as in Billion. I don’t know about you, but by the time …
Weirdness Factor?
How weird are you? Webster defines weird as “of fate or destiny, …strikingly odd…eccentric or unconventional in behavior.” I like to think of myself as unique, not weird. Ah, well, Tricia Goyer tagged me on a weirdness Meme (still not sure what that means!). So what are five ways I’m weird, I mean unique? 1) I know what a Runza …
How Shopping Savvy are You?
Saw an interesting article featured on Tricia Goyer’s Generation NeXt Parenting blog today. The article focuses on the results of a survey commissioned by Tierney Communication on the spending habits of JenX, the female portion of Generation X. Now that many of us are sliding into our 30s, we’re growing up in more ways than one. We’re learning to shop …
Things I love about my husband
OOPS! Eric pointed out this morning that he isn’t on my earlier list. Big, glaring OOPS. (Tricia, here’s an example for Generation NeXt Parenting!) I really thought he was there. Sigh. So here’s my top ten list of things I LOVE about Eric: He loves God whole-heartedly. He loves me 🙂 He loves football as much as I do. He …