Book Talk: Jocelyn Green

Cara Historical, Podcast, Romance Leave a Comment

Book Talk: Jocelyn Green

Listen to the episode with Jocelyn Green

Jocelyn Green is one of those authors that I always love to talk with. She’s such a smart writer who cares deeply about the history and characters of the books she writes. I love her books, but I love even more digging into why she picks the stories she does. Today we’re talking about The Hudson Collection, her latest novel that is about a woman who is an ornithologist who is assigned to catalogue a bequeathed collection of stuffed birds for her museum. Elsa is a fascinating character who has so much depth and quiet beauty. And that’s highlighted as she’s next to the quiet hero, who has this depth that is so attractive.

There’s an element of mystery, romance, threads of friendship and so much more woven into this book. It’s a storm that will tug you in and not let go. And the research helps the story come to life. Those details pull us deeper into the story world but don’t drag us out by slowing down the reality with too much information.

You’ll love this Book Talk for how Jocelyn shares writing advice with us as well. Jocelyn shared the advice she would go back and give herself as she was starting to write. Just because it’s hard doesn’t mean she’s doing it wrong.

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Want to watch this interview? You can see this episode as well as multiple others on YouTube! Enjoy!

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