Why Mackinac Island?

Cara Mackinac Island, writing, writing advice Leave a Comment

Mackinac Island. It’s a magical place that allows you to step back in time from the moment you first step off the ferry. That’s what attracted me to the island as a visitor and then as an author looking for a new setting for a book.  A Wedding Transpires on Mackinac Island is being sold as a package in Waterfront Weddings, …

Picking Topics for Books

Cara my books, writing advice 1 Comment

One challenge for a novelist is coming up with ideas that generate ideas for future books. While we’re writing one, we need to generate ideas for more — it’s a cycle of life of sorts. I read a few non-fiction books, looking for anything that jumps out at me. And if it interests me, there is a chance I can spin …

To brand or not to brand…

Cara writing advice 4 Comments

A brand. That’s what every author needs. At least that’s what we’re told as authors almost from the moment we first tap out a word on a keyboard. From some perspectives, people take it to mean you need a tagline. A pithy phrase that defines you to readers and publishers. Others say it means identifying those elements that are consistent …

Writing, Dreaming, or Scheming

Cara writing, writing advice 4 Comments

Here’s another post. Life is still the same. Only now I’m balancing writing a WWII novel with a contemporary mystery. Oh and spent a lot of time the last couple weeks trying to beat another WWII proposal into submission. Amazing how the more I write, the more the process stays the same. One of the challenges of the writing life …

Three Tips for Creating Compelling Characters

Cara writing advice 5 Comments

I don’t know about you, but characters often make or break a story for me.  As a writer, I try to remember what makes some characters and their stories more compelling for me than others.  Here are a few tips I try to keep in mind as I write based on the characters that I love to read about again …

Getting Our Facts Right…

Cara researching, writing advice 6 Comments

I’m bringing this one back. Getting research right is so important. Our readers care. My friend Julie Lessman recently had a great post on this at the ACFW blog. So Recently, I received some really amazing feedback for one of my historicals A Promise Forged. First, you need to know a little about the story, set in 1943: When Kat …