Daily Reminders to Pray

CaraDreams, faith thoughts 2 Comments

Can you see how young we are? Our kids were 11, 8, 4, and 18 months the summer we were in Germany.

In Siena, we were a wee bit older. The kids were now 15, 12, 7, and 5.

In the summer of 2012 God answered a deep dream of my heart: as a family we spent two months in Germany.

My husband had spent seven years as a youngster growing up in the Far East, and I wanted to give our kids a taste of that. Then God did the amazing, and we got to do exactly that.

I left part of my heart in Germany.

And I began to pray almost immediately about whether we could do something like that again. It was a dream, but a backburner dream. After all, God had already done the impossible once.

So I started praying. Eric and I had traveled to England and Scotland a couple times, but we hadn’t been able to travel as a family. I did something that might make you laugh. I put a Euro in the coin compartment of my purse.

And then every time I got change, I asked God if He would do it again.The coin became a visual reminder to pray. After we spent our summer in Siena, I added my Italian SIM card to my billfold, and each time I spotted it, it was another reminder to ask if God would do it again. Last summer, after spending two weeks in Florence, I put this Euro in my nightstand drawer…another reminder to pray.

Last month I spent a week in Jordan, and left another piece of my heart behind. Now a Jordanian quarter has joined the 50 cent Euro piece in my change compartment. Now I’m asking God if and when I’ll go back there. Who knows? He’s done crazier things in my life.

What are you asking God for? What crazy dream has He planted in your heart? Do you have a prayer prompt for it?


Comments 2

  1. Love this! Yes, there is something I’ve been asking GOD for a miracle for, and I love your blog about having a daily visual! THANK YOU!

  2. Cara, thanks for sharing your journeys, heart, and tips with us! I use Post-Its to jot down prayer requests and leave them in random spots around my house (on my bookmark, by my bed, on my lapdesk, etc.). Every time I spot one, I take a moment to whisper a prayer for whoever is on the Post-It, and their specific needs as they’ve shared them with me, sometimes adding in what God presses into my heart for that person.

    Hugs and blessings,

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