Ann Voskamp has a post at Christian Women Online blog with a challenge I plan to take. She challenges at this crazy time of the year to make a list of 1000 gifts. Not gifts we want to received. But gifts that God has already given us. This seems to go so well with the verse I’ve been thinking about all day: Colossians 4:2.
In that verse we are admonished to devote ourselves to prayer, with watchfulness and thankfulness. We can pray — even with desperation — but guard our hearts to maintain a thankful attitude. Wow! I know when my attitude slips, everything else seems to disappear or spiral out of control with it.
So I challenge you to accept Ann’s challenge. Start making a list of the blessings in your life. From the small to the large. Meditate on God’s goodness, His awesome power, His long arm. Don’t limit God, but celebrate Him as you choose to think about and thank Him for the many gifts He has given you.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Here’s the start of my list:
- My husband: only God could bring a girl from Nebraska and a guy from Indiana together in Colorado.
- My children: they stretch me and delight me all at the same time.
- Mason, our dog and my contributor 🙂
- My first writing contract: God is so good!
- A sister who loves me even though we are extremely different.
- A brother who loves me even when he avoids my calls cause he knows what I’m going to say.
- A brother who loves me even when… well, he doesn’t have a choice!
- Spouses for my siblings who love God.
- Nieces and nephews, and more of them every year.
- Parents who have always supported me….
What’s on your list?