I’m going to try again. You’ll find I’m not easily deterred. Well most of the time.
I have another great book to give away. This time, I’m giving away Scoop by Rene Gutteridge. You can read my review of the book here.
Now y’all have to help me out here. I have a stack of books looking for good homes. The only catch is you have to ENTER the contest. A small catch, but one none the less. So to be entered in this contest, leave me a comment with a career that you’ve always thought was a little offbeat but that you thought would be fun, too.
Let the commenting begin!
I’ll draw the winner on January 27th — just so happens to be my anniversary. So a great day in history.
Comments 6
Well, we recently had an ad in our local paper for people to apply to be crime scene cleaners. Seriously. And I seriously thought of applying. I think that’s kind of off-beat. Is it enough to enter the contest?
That definitely counts.
I’ve always thought of being a dancer in a club since I’ve always been able to maintain a great built but since I’m already married with 3 kids..i might have to do that within the 4 corners of my room. lol.. but hey, don’t yah think it’s just fun?? LOL
coleuchre @yahoo.com (remove spaces)
i think i’d like to try being a dance instructor. hehehe.. i know, quite lame..and i don’t think i can do that because I have lupus but yea, why not? it’s always fun to groove…and make a friend or two..
i’m working as a CG artist and my work can get dead boring at times. If I could switch careers even just for a day with someone, I’d probably take a hairstylist’s job!No kidding! I’m not effiminate, I just think it’s fun to meet a lot of women in a woman’s haven – the salon/parlor.
malechronicle AT yahoo DOT com
has anyone won yet?can i still enter?