My daughter is braver than I am. She was an amazing trooper yesterday as she waded into the completely foreign territory of same day surgery. I was a wreck. I would have had the surgery in her place.
And being a writer did not serve me well as my mind traveled down the what-if lanes. What if this? and What if that? Even though I’d prayed and really felt this was the right step, fear hovered on the outskirts of my thoughts.
Then I wondered what book will I need these memories for? When will a character live through something similar — only magnified and made much worse? Nothing can ever be easy for a character, after all.
So now I’m working on lots of low activity level options for her. Yesterday it was movies and scrapbooking. Today, we’ll do reading and some school. You could pray that she’ll be patient through the recovery. Could be tough for my gymnast!