This weekend Abigail and I are in the St. Pete, Florida area, making some mother daughter memories. It’s hard to believe that my baby turned six a couple weeks ago. And in (what people assure me will seem like) the blink of an eye, she’ll be gone. So this weekend we are off to build memories. We’re staying with friends on an island — the Intercoastal Waterway on one side and the Gulf 70 steps away on the other side. For a child who has never been to the beach, it’s a thrilling place to be. Add in dear friends Aunt Carrie and Uncle David, and Abigail is in a child’s delight.
Jonathan and Eric are making their own set of memories. So what do you do to build those special connections with your children?
Comments 2
What an awesome thing. I’m glad you guys are getting some “girl” time.
Have fun and be safe!
My daughter (who turned 18 in a blink of the eye) likes to come home from college, do her laundry, drive her little brother around town then come home with piles of junk food and we watch LOTR a zillion times together. I think she’s starting to talk elfish. Your getaway with your daughter sounds like heaven.