The kids and I are headed to Nebraska for family celebrations of all kinds: my baby brother’s wedding, my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary, and a reception for my cousin who got married last month. I’m excited to see all the family, even if it means a 10+ hour drive each way.
We’ll get back early next week, and then early Wednesday I head to the airport with a destination of Dallas. It’s hard to believe I have less than a week till I arrive for the American Christian Fiction Writers conference and early bird session. The good news is I don’t have time to worry or do any more work for the conference. It’s now time to pray up and get ready for the fun of reconnecting with friends from last year and making new friends this year.
I would appreciate prayer though. If you think of me, ask God to give me peace, favor and wisdom. And lots of safe travel, too.
I will have a guest blogger on occasion. I have no idea what she’ll say, but it should be fun.