Seeing the Real Me

Cara Uncategorized 5 Comments

This year has many new steps in the writing journey for me. My first trade (it’s kind of a big deal!) releases in July. And I’m writing for two new publishers…getting pushed in my writing in ways that is making me better.

But I’ve also been working hard on the marketing side. That means taking steps and doing the hard work of figuring out who I am.
I don’t know about you, but that isn’t easy for me mean. There’s a strong people pleasing side to me and I’ve always been able to sense the “right” answers to questions…know what I…
So I’ve brought some people around me to help me dig deep.
It’s actually been an exciting process as we’ve refined who I am as a speaker and writer. The theme was there. I actually did know it, but I needed help to mine it from its hiding place.
You see, I’m convinced Satan doesn’t want us to know who we are. Or to truly get it. At the heart level. Because when we do, we are willing to do things for God that would seem impossible. But as He reveals who He created us to be and who we are in Him, a freedom and strength is released that has us running to tackle challenges and dreams.
So today my challenge to you: dig deep. Ask God who He sees when He looks at you. And be amazed!

Comments 5

  1. Yep, I think I’d rather not know more of myself. What I already know I’m not so thrilled with so to learn more about my good ‘ol self doesn’t sound so appealing.

    So glad you are being stretched and learning great things about yourself.


  2. Your photo is stunning! I love it that you are finding this. I’m so looking forward to this stage of your writing and career. I love seeing this happen. I’ll be praying for you.

    This is something I have known, too, at points in my life. But as I come to new places, it’s like I forget and don’t know at all.

    A really good post.

  3. It is a life-long process to know ourselves but I do love the idea that we are each uniquely designed to reveal and glorify a particular aspect of our Lord and Savior. I think we have times where we are really forced to dig dip and ponder who we are called to be. Sometimes we wait until we are in the midst of suffering or hardship to ask these questions, so I think it’s awesome that you are being so intentional about this now. An inspiration yet again, Cara! Blessings on you for sharing your heart!

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