We’re home again!

Cara Uncategorized 9 Comments

We’re back after a wonderful time in Nebraska with family and friends. It had it’s down moments like being up most of Christmas Eve night when Abigail had the flu (can you see the bags under my eyes LOL) and when Jonathan threw up literally five minutes before we got in the car to drive home. Ugh!

But it all worked out. There’s nothing quite like spending time with friends and family. I stayed away from email and blogging in an effort to relax and take a break. 2008 was an amazing year filled with opportunities, but my family and I were worn out from my late hours and the craziness. My resolution for this year is to work hard to find balance. I still want to write and teach, but not to the point sleep suffers, exercise disappears, and devotions become hit or miss. I need all three to stay balanced.

So this year I’ve got the mini-marathon in four months. Eck! That’s a surefire way to get in shape again. I’ve got two contracted books and proposals to write. And I’m committing to reading through the Bible again. This year with the New King James version chronological study Bible. I am so excited about the features it has, and I love reading the Bible chronologically — makes the pieces really fit — especially when the minor prophets are involved.

This week I’ll continue to post Janna’s top books of 2008. I’m not posting all of them, so if you want to enter to win all of them slide over to her blog. Next week, I’ll restart with my own stuff. And a contest. I’m determined to give away some of the great books hanging around here.

To get us started, leave me a comment with one of your resolutions for the new year. I’ll pull a winner from the group for one of Ellie Kay’s books.

Comments 9

  1. Great post.
    I’ve set a few goals, but one I’m most excited (AND NERVOUS) about is doing a short mission. I’m not one who likes to travel. And then to a third world country to boot….So, God’s calling me out of my comfort zone, for sure. 🙂

  2. My first resolution is to get closer to the Lord, recognize the gift(s) He has given me, and use them.


  3. One of my resolutions this year is to get healthier by eating right & losing 40 lbs. I will be the Mother of the Bride on May 16, so that should be a good motivation. I’m diabetic & really need to get things under control.

  4. Cara,

    It’s great to see your family in the photo. I’m sorry your children were sick. We spent Christmas Eve with my father-in-law in the hospital so this year didn’t seem like the holidays. I’m hoping to get back on a good writing/exercise/family/Bible devotions schedule. Like you said, we need to be in balance.


  5. Resolutions: Find the positive in every situation and lay off all the carbonated drinks that I love. Plus the usual-eat less, exercise more. I bought a copy of chronological Bible thru the year, but have decided to do some in depth New testament study-trying to get to know Jesus better.


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