Media Mail & Books

Carawriting 2 Comments

paper hearts arcThe longer I write the more I get asked to read books for endorsement. It’s something I love to do…especially when it’s for a writer that I know I’ve enjoyed their prior books. I still get a little giddy thinking anyone really cares what I think about a book.

Because of this, I receive a couple books a week. media mail Last week I received Courtney Walsh’s new book, Paper Hearts. I A.D.O.R.E.D. this book. You can read my review here.

What I found interesting this time was that the post office had opened the package. Now anytime I ship something Media Mail, I know that it is subject to search, but I don’t think any have been opened. So this struck me as interesting. Fortunately for me, the package fit the media mail requirements.

Has anyone else received something via media mail that was opened by the USPS?

Comments 2

  1. Cara: I love your books and have started buying them all. I would also love to buy e-versions so I can have multiple ones with me when I travel. Any hope for this? I am fine with paying the same price as a print version–not looking for a deal. But would love to carry just my tablet instead of a stack. I’m reading a book in about two days–do have a few other duties in my day!

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