3 Things to do on Mackinac Island

CaraMackinac Island, writing life 2 Comments

My family and I adore Mackinac Island. We’ve made two trips there and hope to head back up there in July for a booksigning.

With A Wedding Transpires on Mackinac Island releasing April 1st, my thoughts keep wandering back to Mackinac and why we like it. Maybe you’ve heard of the island. Maybe you’re planning a trip there yourselves. Either way, here are a few things we love to do on the island.

1) The first is to slow down and relax. There’s something peaceful about a place that has no cars. Instead, you hear the steady clop-clop of horses hooves and the ring of bike bells.

2) We love to rent bikes and take at least one ride around the island. It’s about eight miles so takes around an hour. Most of the bike shops rent burley carts or bikes with an add on for younger kids. It makes for a very relaxing afternoon. And you can stop and take photos or dip your toes in the lake as often as you like.

3) We enjoy stopping in all the little shops. From fudge to unique restaurants to your typical shops selling t-shirts, it’s fun to stop in places you don’t find in your local downtown.

So if you’re ready to step back in time to a place that has held on to a slower pace of life, then consider slipping away to Mackinac Island. I think you’ll enjoy it!

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