3 Tips for Loving My Now

Carafaith thoughts, family, Parenting, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

As a mom who has so many irons in the fire, it can be a real challenge to sink into my now moments. Instead, I can easily be distracted by everything that’s on my list instead of taking the seconds, minutes, and hours that exist in today. Can anyone relate?

Putman kids 2012-51 group

It’s so easy to focus on the next 2 practices, the next 10 items on my list, the next 14 things that I haven’t run through with the kids. So how can a momma slow down, step back, and enjoy her now? Here are a few thoughts:

1) Ask God to help us remember the moments we are in. To keep our eyes focused on the eternal value of mothering. It’s the moments that matter, the moments our kids remember. It can seem easier to get the satisfaction of checking one more item off the list, but in the realm of eternity, which has more lasting value?

2) Embrace that moment. It’s not easy to stay focused on the here and now. Sometimes that means I need to pull my 3 year old into my lap and read If You Give a Pig a Party for the 89th time. But if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have delighted in hearing him fill in the blanks when I paused. It’s listening when my 13 year old wants to talk rather than trying to make her wait. It’s building with Legos with my 10 year old, even though I don’t find them nearly as fascinating as he does. And it’s giggling with my 5 year old when she wants some time.

3) Don’t look to the future or to the past. In the past are moments that can’t be fixed or recaptured. In the future are moments I can’t anticipate or control. It’s the now moments that allow me to focus on the gifts around me. I’m not great at this, but I’m asking God to help me retain a focus in this moment. To stop and enjoy that walk around the block with my son. And to live in the here and now.

What do you do to love your now?

If you’re looking for a resource to help you embrace your now, you can check out Jill Savage’s new book No More Perfect Kids. The associated blog looks fantastic!

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