2 Million Words? Say what? + Giveaway

CaraParenting 1 Comment

I’ve been a voracious reader from a young age. In my pre-teen and early teen years, I kept a log of all the books I read. Many months it was 30, a compilation of Nancy Drew, Mandy, Trixie Beldon, and Cherry Ames books. Is it any surprise I write mysteries and thrillers.
One thing I have loved about being a parent is watching my children discover and love reading on their own. Our oldest has inhaled Lisa Bergren’s River of Times series at least five times (I love it, too!). She’s a fan of all Ally Carter’s books, and packs more books than clothes when we go on vacation. Our oldest son is reading books like Tale of Two Cities and Lord of the Flies in school. His class load doesn’t leave much leeway for fun reading right now, but he’s read through stacks.This year it’s been fun to watch our younger two rise to and exceed every challenge that’s been extended to them at school. This week both crossed 300 AR points and 2 million words read. Think about that 2 million words.When was the last time you counted the words you’ve read? I don’t even want to imagine counting the ones I’ve read so far this year, though you can see the list on my Goodreads Reading Challenge here.The happy reader :-)Good news. For those of you who love audio books, two more of mine just released including the prequel for the Hidden Justice series. You can see them here. And be sure to enter the giveaway as well.
What’s your record for books read in a year? Any idea? Do you have reading goals, or stick to reading what strikes your fancy?

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