It’s that time again!
Last year, Laurie Tomlinson hosted this pre-conference mix and mingle. It’s a great way to learn new faces and get to know people at conference She’s doing it again this year! Woot!
Here are the questions and my answers!
Location: Lafayette, IN
What you write/tagline/trademark: World War II and suspense/legal
Place in the book world: My 19th book releases Sept. 16th. That is a pinch-me realization. So grateful for the journey God has me on.
On a scale of hugger to 10-foot-pole, please rate your personal space: All the hugs in the world are great.
The unique talking point that will get you going for hours: Books, travel, and college football!
Loved ones at home you’ll be missing: My husband, four kiddos aged 13 to almost 4, and one very needy dog.
Conference goals we can pray for? That God will use me to minister to others and open the right doors for the next step in publishing.
Anything we can celebrate with you? That God has done amazing things with 19 books! Woot.
One or two ways we can help you build your platform? Yes! You can like my author page on Facebook and sign up for my email list by clicking here! (I will NOT share your email with anyone and will only send an email with the very most important news.)
Be sure to pop over to Laurie Tomlinson’s post so you can read posts by other going to conference and join in if you like!
Here’s what to do:
– Copy/paste and fill out your own answers (you don’t have to answer all of them!) in a post on your own website and paste the URL to that post (not your home page) using this handy link-up tool. Just click on the blue button below that says “Add your link”. If you don’t have a website, feel free to answer the questions in the comments below!
– Make sure to link back to this post after you fill out your answers so any of your readers who are conference attendees can participate, too! The more, the merrier.
– Click through the links below to get to know other conference attendees before St. Louis!
Comments 14
Ahh! Congrats on book 19! Can’t wait to see you at conference!
Can’t wait to see you, too, Laurie!
Congratulations on 19 books! That is so amazing, you are an inspiration to me and so many others.
Thanks, Connilyn!
Fun to see your responses. I’m already a fan of yours on FB and I requested a mentor appointment with you at ACFW, so hopefully we’ll get to meet!
I would love that, Jill!
Hi Cara! I’ve been hearing a lot about Where Treetops Glisten lately…I’ll definitely have to check it out this Christmas! Hopefully we’ll run into each other at ACFW. I’d love to meet you and hear about your experiences over the last 19 books.
It’ll be great to meet you, Ashley!
Hi Cara! Enjoyed your mix & mingle answers. 19 books… Praise the Lord! I’m adding you to my pre-conference prayer list, too.
Thanks, Brandy!
Hi Cara! Thanks so much for running the newbie loop! It was so helpful. I love your blog header, btw. Congrats on your upcoming release next week! What an accomplishment
You are welcome, Sara. Can’t wait to meet you!
Wow! 19 books! That’s amazing! I have no idea how you do it all, but I’m cheering you on!
Can’t wait to see you in St. Louis. 
I’m not sure how it happened either. Can’t wait to see you either, Liz.