ACFW Conference Mix & Mingle

CaraACFW 5 Comments

2019 ACFW Pre-Conference Mix & Mingle

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The ACFW Conference starts at the end of this month, and I cannot wait! Each year Laurie Tomlinson has hosted a mix & mingle, so attendees can get to know each other before we arrive. This year Janine Rosche has done it, and I’m delighted to take part. If you’d like to join, there are instruction on Janine’s post


Here are the questions and my answers!

Name: Cara Putman

Location: Lafayette, IN

What you write/tagline/trademark: Contemporary Suspense and WWII Historicals — Stories that reemphasize that God never leaves us no matter how bad life seems.

Place in the book world: I just turned in edits on book 32, have started book 33, and am dreaming up future novels. I also serve on the ACFW board and can’t wait to see everyone in San Antonio!

On a scale of hugger to 10-foot-pole, please rate your personal space: I spend the week squealing and hugging. It’s like a grand family reunion.

The unique talking point that will get you going for hours:  College football! (Go Big Red!), my faith, and good books.

Loved ones at home you’ll be missing: My husband and four kiddos. The kids range in almost 19 down to almost 9, and they keep our family hopping!

Conference goals we can pray for? My goal is to serve with an open heart. Please pray that my eyes will be open for what God has for me next, but that He would also help me see the people who need a prayer and hug.

Anything we can celebrate with you? That God has allowed me to write for so many great houses and write now (see what I did there?) I’m writing legal romantic suspense for my dream house!

One or two ways we can help you build your platform? You can like my author page on Facebook and sign up for my email list by clicking here! (I will NOT share your email with anyone and will only send an email with the very most important news.)

Are you coming to conference? You can join the fun, too!

In case you’re new here and have no idea what this is all about, it’s just a little link up with some questions that help us get to know each other before conference. We love the opportunity to meet people before we meet them in person, especially the first year in Indianapolis when I was a newbie  :) There is a little link-up at the bottom of Janine’s post with links to different people going to conference and their own get-to-know-you questions.


Comments 5

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  1. Awesome conference, my first. Thank you for all the hard work you put into the details and into the attendees. I felt right at home in a world that is so new to me, and you are part of that vibe. Keep writing!
    On that, I just want to say that so often when folks reach a level of high achievement, especially if doing so attracts public attention, they become inaccessible for those who need their expertise – others who are learning the ropes and honing their craft. ACFW provides an environment where ‘inklings’ can find and develop our voices. Thanks.

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