Fiction Friday: Suspense I Inhaled!

CaraFiction Friday 2 Comments

It’s Friday, and that means fiction! Today I want to tell you about two books I INHALED this week. Both are in the suspense genre and so good!

When Library Journal compared Beyond Justice to Joel C. Rosenberg, I knew I had to read his books. He’s been on my want to get to list for awhile, but in the last two weeks I absolutely inhaled his JB Collins novels. What an amazing trilogy that made me think of Tom Clancy’s books but with heart and hope. Without Warning has me still thinking and processing. What a fantastic, amazing end to this series! Wow, just wow. It didn’t got as I expected, but was much better as written. The suspense was taunt. The characterization surprising and a perfect build from the prior book. And the twists literally had my gasping.

So I inhaled the last two books on my way to Florence — finished Without Warning in the taxi on our way to the apartment. I literally couldn’t put it down even though I knew what was going to happen.

That left a hole, which I promptly filled with Carrie Stuart Parks’ next novel Portrait of Vengeance. Normally I wouldn’t mention this book yet because it doesn’t release until August. But it was sooooo good. And it’s on pre-release ebook sale for $4.99. So if you love suspense, this is a book to buy right now and inhale the moment it downloads.

This is the fourth book in Carrie’s Gwen Marcey series. Reading the others helps, but the author does a great job of laying down the bread crumbs to understand who Gwen is. Portrait of Vengeance is layered, complex. Everything came together: Historical threads, suspense twists, self-discovery. The result was a highly satisfying read. Run out and buy this book the day it releases. You won’t be disappointed. Great read!



Comments 2

  1. I’ve heard so many good things about all of the books written by Carrie Stuart Parks! I must move her titles up on my looooong TBR list. Thanks for the sneak peek to her newest title.

    1. Post

      Valerie, I really enjoy her books, but this one just resonated the most with me. The historical thread was really interesting and the suspense complex. Very good!

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