Detour to Germany & Giveaway

CaraGermany 27 Comments

Last March, my husband and I lead a team of young adults from our church to Turkey over Spring Break. It was one of those unexpected delights as we spent a week in Instanbul exploring the city and culture. While we were there, I really connected with the team lead (it’s amazing what happens when you make coffee for 30 people and wash dishes together!). While there I asked how our church could come alongside them, which lead to a service trip to Berlin that we just returned from.
This group was AMAZING to travel with. They each had such a heart to serve the kids — one snuck into the photo 🙂 There is something very special about serving with a group that gets the purpose behind what we’re doing.
We worked hard, but because the campground was in the woods an hour outside Berlin, my husband and I took advantage of the opportunity to walk during the break each afternoon. It was beautiful! And such a good way to spend time, before pouring back into the kids again.
One of the aspects of this trip that really appealed to us and another family from church was that our families could serve. Three of their kids and two of ours were full participants leading various areas, while our two youngest actively looked for jobs and ways to serve. It was a joy!
The little village a block down the road from the camp. It had about a dozen homes and no businesses (that we could locate) other than a B&B. There was a similar village about a two mile walk away. It was so charming!
While I LOVED serving the group, probably the best part was taking long walks with Eric each afternoon. We have a hard time breaking away when we’re home and really needed the time to connect. It also filled me up to be able to pour out again.
We did take a day and a half on the backside of the trip to do some sight-seeing in Berlin before we flew home Sunday. Then it was back to work and school for all of us. (This day of sightseeing was COLD and WET. At least it was dry at the campground!) This is a group of people Eric and I decided we would travel with anytime. Truly exceptional people and friends.
We spent time at the Berlin Wall Museum on Friday after getting to the city and figuring out transit. We also got to have dinner with the family that we stayed with seven years ago! Then Saturday was Checkpoint Charlie, the Memorial to the Murdered Jews, Brandenburg Gate, Schloss Charlottenburg, and a Christmas Market surrounding the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church. So good! Even if we froze.
Look what was waiting for me when I got home! Flight Risk! This novel releases April 7.
This was my first what I would call “real” service trip, where we worked pretty much six days straight. As we were there, I realized there is nothing quite like seeing your children serving God by serving others. And it filled my heart with joy to see our two youngest joyfully looking for ways to help. Filled me up, y’all!And because I’m so excited to have copies of Flight Risk in the house, fill out the rafflecopter below and we’ll pick a winner in a week. I can’t wait for y’all to start reading it!

Comments 27

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  1. When I was 18 (a long time ago!) I went to stay with missionaries to the “cowboys and Indians” in Arizona. I took care of their home and children while the wife gave birth and recovered. I will never forget that time! I’d love to see my children do something similar.

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  2. Serving God with others outside of our comfort zone is an awesome place to be. So glad that you could do this as a family!!!

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  3. I have never been on that kind of mission trip. I don’t think I’m meant to right now – but my daughter and husband are planning to head to Haiti later this year.

  4. I’ve never been on a mission trip. My niece has been on several. It sounds like you had an interesting time, even if it involved a bit of work.

  5. When I was 24 I went on a service missions trip to Portugal and worked with teens through Youth for Christ. Going to a different country gives you such an appreciation for all we have here in the United States. I think it would be wonderful and so beneficial for every young person to on a missions trip. 🙂

  6. My husband and I are big fans of family service missions trips. Our first trip was to CHIEF ministries in Arizona where we worked at there headquarters making improvements that would allow them to devote their time ministering to Native Americans.

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  7. I’ve been to Germany twice and would love to go back. Those who serve on missions trips usually get just as big a blessing as those they are serving.

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  8. I went to Haiti for two weeks in 1995 (I think that’s the correct year). It was for a medical mission team out of Huntington, IN. The doctor and nurse were a husband/wife team and four of their children came too (3 were in high school). We stayed at an orphanage a couple hours outside of Port au Prince. I can’t remember the name of the town. It was a very interesting experience.

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  9. Our family at the time (minus the three year old) participated in a one week missions trip to help folks rebuild after Katrina. It was a life changing event—and the reason we’re still living in Louisiana.

  10. Interesting story; thanks for sharing! Also, thanks for the opportunity to enter a giveaway! Would love to win a print copy! Your books are always wonderful, with excellent plots, story lines, including a faith thread as well, which makes any of your books worth reading! Thanks, again, and God bless!

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