Thoughts of a Writer + Giveaway

CaraFiction Friday 1 Comment

Tuesday Flight Risk launched into the world. Launch weeks are always busy. There’s marketing. Copious amounts of coffee. Nerves all over the place. Walks to control stress. More caffeine. Lots of prayer and holding one’s breath.

What will people think?

Will they love and enjoy the story I spent months and untold hours on?

Did I forget a blog tour stop to visit and leave a comment? Has anyone left a review yet? Are we at the magic number fifty at Amazon yet? Where’s the best price to send people?

What?!? Bookstores are closed? How do I help people support independent bookstores when the stores aren’t open? Anywhere?

Is there a place I can send people to listen to the audiobook? Yes. Where can I send them to read the first five chapters? Here. Do I have things loosely organized for the scavenger hunt style giveaway/celebration tour? Have I answered my friends comments on how to frame it? Do I have enough headlines? Do I have the basic text and image that I can adapt for everyone who’s hosting a stop? How am I going to collect votes? Will people play along? ARGH!!!!!

These were just a few of the questions and concerns going through my mind Sunday and Monday leading up to release on Tuesday.

It hasn’t helped that the course I teach at Purdue moved online for the balance of the semester. Or that I’m in the middle of macroedits for the next book (Lethal Intent — Caroline gets her book!!!!).

So today, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being faithful readers of Christian fiction. Thank you for loving books. Thank you for supporting local bookstores. Thank you for posting reviews on the books you read. Thank you for letting authors know that their words matters.

Thank you.

And in case you want to play along, click on the image above to join the Hunt. And at the very end, you can join a different giveaway. I’m just so grateful for you and the way you help me write.

(And I had to share these images from readers. I love the creativity!) Be sure to enter the giveaway below. And if you follow along on the blog tours, you can enter a couple more giveaways related to the launch of Flight Risk. Join the Partners in Crime tour here and enter the giveaway here (it runs through April 30). And the Celebrate Lit tour runs through April 19th. You can join it here or  here.

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