One of the things I’ve done bit by bit through our time at home these last months is organizing different corners of the house. I had to laugh when each bookshelf I was working through had a copy of the same Lisa Scottoline book. The top one Lisa autographed for me at International Thriller Writers conference a couple summers ago. Now to make the time to read the book all the way through. I’ve read the first few chapters several times before I got sucked into my own writing. However, this summer I’ve worked through the Rosato & Associate novels one after the other via audiobook. I’m finishing book eight (Dead Ringer) right now.
I’m enjoying listening to them and watching the character development and piecing together the intricate plots. So much fun!
Our puppy is proving to be a great addition to the family because she likes to devour books as much as the rest of us…except in her cases, it’s actual devouring. I wanted to cry when I came home last week and saw The Pursuit of God chomped through, but I have to admit she has good taste. Then the next day she pulled Christopher Robin off the coffeetable. Sigh. As long as she doesn’t pull them off the bookshelves she has a good home. (JK)
Over the weekend I finished my suspense novella for the Mistletoe and Murder collection. I wrote in first person from the perspective of the heroine. It was such fun to try that though it’s with my editor now, so fingers crossed I still love it later :-). I really wanted to write something fun and different this summer, and writing this novella that takes place in essentially 24 hours fits the bill. It’s also set in DC, so I had fun returning to one of my favorite citites, even if it was only through words.
Don’t forget you can preorder all ten novellas in the Mistletoe and Murder collection for 99¢ through the beginning of October.
I’m giving away a book from one of my co-authors from Mistletoe and Murder. Use the form below and good luck!