5 Weeks until Lethal Intent

CaraFiction Friday Leave a Comment

Because I write romantic suspense in a legal setting, it is always my goal to have an intricate
plot that engages readers from the very beginning. Lethal Intent is also different from my other books because it starts with Carolyn and Brandon moving
their friendship forward in ways readers have been
begging to have happen. Such fun! Then it immediately spins into a high stakes race in medical research. The legal and ethical implications are almost as high as the life and death ramifications. So I loved and appreciated
Kelly Irvin’s endorsement. If you love romantic
suspense, I highly recommend hers!

“It takes a writer of Cara Putman’s pedigree to pull off Lethal Intent’s intricate story of the cutthroat world of oncology research with its ethical and moral pitfalls while addressing the legal implications. Add to that the difficult and often heartbreaking world of foster care and Putman gives readers two stellar but still human characters for whom they can care deeply. She breaks my heart more than once, but then offers me a glimpse of hope. Even then she doesn’t tie up loose ends in a neat little bow. Because, I suspect, she knows life isn’t like that. Highly recommended for lovers of legal romantic suspense.”

—Kelly Irvin, bestselling author of Her Every Move

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