Fiction Friday: Lethal Intent Released into the World

CaraFiction Friday 2 Comments

Tuesday Lethal Intent winged it’s way into the big wide world. Be sure to read to the end, because I want to give a copy to one of you. If I were better at using GIFs, this is where I’d insert one of a cartoon character chewing his fingernails to nubs next to high fives and squeals. Even though this is book 35 or 36, it’s still a highwire act of emotion when a book is released. I spent an hour yesterday morning reading and responding to reviews on Goodreads and Bookbub. It’s fascinating and nerve-wracking to experience readers’ reactions to my books. I love this graphic with a favorite line from the book that one reader made.
I loved it when I wrote it, and I love it even more now. I can hear Caroline say it with so much Southern sass. She’s a petite spitfire in my mind. One who seems so sweet, and then she zings ya.
As I’m posting this way too late Wednesday night/early Thursday morning, I’m so grateful for everyone who posted reviews already. Those early reviews help readers discover new books. You can imagine my surprise (and delight) to see Lethal Intent spend two day at #1 for New Releases in the Medical Thriller category (It also blipped up there for Legal Thriller, but there are a lot more books in that category…hmmmm.). It made me smile, because I knew since I spent less than a week imagining being a nurse, that medical school was not for me. That was only emphasized by the number of times I fainted as a young adult. Eye dr. Dentist. Dr’s office. Any time I got stressed or a needled was invovled, watch out. I was going to hit the floor, not a trait you want in your medical provider. I’ve even gotten faint reviewing medical records for trials. So yes, I smiled and kept smiling with that category choice. Thank you, Amazon.
Tuesday night I had such fun with Chris Jager and the Baker Book House team as they hosted an author event that was my launch event. Readers asked so many wonderful questions that the time flew. It was a blast, and you can watch it here, especially if you want to know what I’m reading, books I recommend, what types of books I listen to and so much more. The link is here.I also wanted to share a couple quick ebook sales with you. If you’ve been reading here for awhile, you may have grabbed Imperfect Justice on a prior sale. If not, this is a great time to snag it and try one of my romantic suspense. Also, my friend Janine Rosche had a book launch on Tuesday, too, with Glory Falls. While it’s the third book in a series, the first This Wandering Heart is on ebook sale for the first time. I really enjoyed this book, and encourage you to grab and read it now.

Comments 2

  1. The last book I recommended to someone was probably the last in the Harbored Secrets series by Natalie Walters, Silent Shadows. Of course, if they hadn’t read any of her books, I would point them to the first in the series, Living Lies. They are not quite as intense as yours, but still very good!

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