Book Talk: BTS: Come What May

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Book Talk: BTS: Come What May

Listen to the Behind the Scenes episode for Come What May

Do you ever wonder where authors get their ideas?

Today I share the story behind the story for my novel The Art of Deception in the Come What May collection that was released in August 2023. It’s a unique story for me because it’s part of an indie collection, meaning I didn’t have a contract with a traditional publisher but came together with many of my writer friends for this collection of 12 novels in three volumes. I talk about why I did that and why it can make sense to do that as part of my overall publishing strategy. I also talk about how this is part of the larger build-up to my next novel which will be released in April 2024. This was one of those stories I wanted to write. As I was researching I kept coming back to art as money laundering and found it FASCINATING. I love art. And I love suspense. And this seemed like an interesting way to tie the two together- a way that I hadn’t seen written about in other books. I could probably write a whole series just focused on this area, but there’s at least this book. 🙂

I’ve also got ideas for another series, so I’m asking for your input at the end of the episode. Let me know what you think!

Want to watch this interview? You can see this episode as well as multiple others on YouTube! Enjoy!

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