Book Talk: Dani Pettrey

CaraPodcast, Romantic Suspense 2 Comments

Book Talk: Dani Pettrey

Listen to the episode with Dani Pettrey

Who doesn’t love a good romantic suspense? Especially when it blends romance with suspense in a way that welcomes the reader back to the pages again and again?

That’s why I love reading my friend Dani Pettrey’s novels. It was such fun to welcome her back to Book Talk as we talked about the first book in her new Jeopardy Falls series. Set in New Mexico, One Wrong Move takes readers on a ride through the insurance world — with an ensemble cast that is a Dani Pettrey trademark. It was fun learning how she balances the main story with the additional threads — and what she does with all the scenes and chapters she has to cut.

In this episode, she also talks about her biggest challenge as a writer — writing instinctually which makes for lots of drafts. And her best advice for herself as a young writer is to balance her time better earlier because that doesn’t get easier with later drafts. These are just a couple of the gems she shares with us in this chapter of Book Talk with Cara. I can’t wait to hear what you think and if you’ve read One Wrong Move. I loved it!

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Want to watch this interview? You can see this episode as well as multiple others on YouTube! Enjoy!

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Comments 2

  1. I enjoyed hearing your talk with Dani Pettrey. One Wrong Move is one of my Top Books of 2024! Dani always allows people to witness the depth of her character, integrity, creativity, and humor in an interview. Thank you for choosing Dani Pettrey for your Guest!

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