Book Talk: Jen Turano

CaraGilded Age, Podcast, Romance 1 Comment

Book Talk: Jen Turano

Listen to the episode with Jen Turano

Jen Turano is one of my favorite authors of the Gilded Age rom-com. She starts with a bang and romps through to the end, usually with a swirl of mystery and fun. Meeting Her Match is no different, so it is a delight to have Jen back on Book Talk. It was so much fun to talk about how she likes to have something happen to her characters — on steroids and then amp it up even more. She’s currently writing a book every nine months, which gives her a little more time to breathe, as she cycles through writing, edits, marketing, and creating new ideas from her box of ideas. We talk about how you become more critical of your writing the longer you write and apply more pressure to yourself as you go. And how her heroes need to be genuine and flawed while also saving the heroines, who are no wilting damsels in distress. I think you will love this conversation!

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Want to watch this interview? You can see this episode as well as multiple others on YouTube! Enjoy!

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  1. Pingback: Meeting Her Match: A blog tour review & Giveaway! |

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