A day in an Author’s Life

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This summer I’m writing two books, maybe three. That means I have to make every moment count now that the semester is over, and I don’t teach again until the middle of June. That means I’m spending as much time as I can in my office at Purdue, but instead of grading or prepping for classes, I was writing. I wish I could pretend it was a pretty process.

All you have to do is look at these photos to see that I have a lot going on. The book I’m writing right now is book 30 in the Sugarcreek Amish Mysteries series from Guidepost.  This series was so popular that it was extended first by a novella collection and then by an additional six books. I’ve been privileged to write the final installment all three times. The first two were with my writing friend Tricia Goyer. This time I’m solo. GULP!

That means I have to write like the wind, Bullseye. (Any Toy Story fans out there?). Fortunately, I really enjoy the characters, and Cheryl gets to solve another fun mystery.

I just have to keep the plot threads moving as I write at least a chapter, and hopefully two a day, so that I can finish it this month and have a couple weeks to edit before turning it in on June 15th.

Then a month later book 21 in the Mysteries of Martha’s Vineyard series is due. This is another fun series that I started writing on with Tricia, but as her non-fiction has taken off, I get to write on my own. (Have I mentioned how much I love writing with her?) I’m giving away a copy of Shark Bait, #13 in this series. So be sure to enter the giveaway below.

The other book I was working on today was book four in the Hidden Justice series. This book will be Caroline and Brandon’s story and I cannot wait to see how it all comes together! I brainstormed it last week with the amazing Colleen Coble, and I cannot wait to write Caroline’s story.

Fortunately I have a large L-shaped desk at Purdue, so I had plenty of room to spread out with my laptop and then the split screens of my desktop. I like writing my books in TheQuill.io, because it allows me to write from anywhere that has an internet connection. That means I don’t have to haul my laptop everywhere anytime I want to write.

By the way, Colleen’s novel The Inn at Ocean’s Edge is free in ebook formats through May 13th. Grab it while you can. And be sure to enter the contest for Shark Bait below. What would you like to know about this crazy writing adventure?

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