A Quick Escape and Rediscovering the Fun in Writing

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For years, I’ve written hard. In the chaos of life, while working other jobs, traveling, and so much more. I love all of my books, and writing them has pushed me in unique ways. Sometimes the pressure has removed the joy from writing. Have you ever had that happen? Something you love becomes a job rather than a joy? It’s not wrong or bad, just reality. I’d set myself the goal of rediscovering the joy of writing this summer, when life turned upside down.

We spent the last week of June in Nebraska and South Dakota with my family. It was our attempt at a mini-vacation that was COVID safe. My sister, one of my brothers, and my parents rented a house with us in South Dakota. That allowed our kids to have tons of cousin time while we hiked and enjoyed all the outdoor fun that the Black Hills has to offer.

Buffalo were everywhere…including on the road next to us. We hiked all over trails, which was awesome. There is something about being outdoors in nature that puts everything back in perspective. It reminds me that God is in control and bigger than everything.

This was the break that each of us needed. It was a chance to safely get out of our normal. Our group was big enough that the two tours we took were just our group. Everything was outside in the wide open spaces and wonderful. I even brainstormed a novella I’m writing with my sister-in-law and mom. It was perfect!

While I am a left-brained person, I have enough right-brain balance to be affected by the chaos…partly because all my left-brain coping mechanisms (to-do lists, planners, etc.) don’t work when so much is out of my control. That’s made creating for fun…challenging, but I’ve found a way. I’m writing a Christmas suspense novella to be included in a collection with nine other authors. And I decided to write this one in first person. I’ve always wanted to and been told I have a good first person voice, but my books are all third person with the hero and heroine’s perspective.

I’m having such fun!

It’s been what I needed to jumpstart a new perspective on my writing. It feels almost like play as I try to tell the story from the sole point of view of the heroine.

You can preorder this collection now for 99 cents. Then on October 6th Mistletoe and Murder will download to your Kindle.

Have you stepped away for a min-vacation? Or are you creating a getaway at home? How are you handling the new normal that is this summer?

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