I’ve been tagged, but rather than make it random, I’m making this reading related.
1) I have loved to read since I was about 4. You’ll still find me with a book in my hands all the time.
2) My favorite childhood books were the Little House on the Prairie series. Read them voraciously over and over. It’s been a blast to read them with my kids now. Laura Ingalls Wilder was truly a gifted writer. Very active writing that paints the scene … and tells you how to actually build the door, but I digress.
3) My favorite young adult books were the Anne of Green Gables series. And oh, those wonderful CBC adaptations. I loved Anne. And vowed to be like her. I may make lots of mistakes but I try to make the same one only once. I’m far too creative for duplicates!
4) As an adult I discovered Mary Higgins Clark, and feel in love with her blend of suspense. Can’t read all of hers, because some of the early ones get a tad weird, but I’ll never regret taking a chance on Loves Music, Loves to Dance. A love was born…and for years I said I wanted to write books like that in the Christian arena. Now I do!
5) I’ll never regret discovering Bodie Thoene’s early series. The Zion Chronicles and Covenant satisfied the reader in me and the part that was passionate about getting history right. Oh, to be able to write gripping stories that honored history. And now I try to do that as well. Isn’t, God good!
6) My first book that I wrote is a toss-up: I can’t remember if it was the book set in Boston during the Revolutionary War or my attempt to what if what could have happened to the lost colony of Roanoke. I’d still like to explore that one at some point. Hmm, could make a great modern suspense…
7) I have been blessed and challenged by Beth Moore and Jennifer Rothschild’s Bible studies. Those women have poured out their hearts on the page for us…and if we are willing to dig deep, God can transform our lives, too.
Tagging others? Hmmm. Janna Ryan, Joanna Nash, Robin Miller, Tricia Goyer, and Gina Conroy. Have fun, ladies.
Comments 1
I love Anne of Green Gables and read the newish book, Before Green Gables this summer. It was great!
You might enjoy a page that I have written about some of the goings on in Anne’s world today at Anne of Green Gables Books By Lucy Maud Montgomery.