Hi, y’all. My Southern is coming out after spending most of last week in Nashville for meetings with my editor and team at Thomas Nelson. There was a snowstorm that shut down the town for a day, but Eric and I had a great time anyway.
Tuesday my editor Jocelyn Bailey ubered over to the Opryland to have lunch with us, and then we hightailed it (as fast as we could in the snow) to Franklin to take in the Dave Ramsey show for a bit. Eric leads Financial Peace University classes at our church, so he loved that bit. You can see him enjoying coffee that’s made at a little cafe in the lobby in the photo. I may have found a book or two–yes, even the girl who doesn’t read a ton of non-fiction found some interesting titles.
Eric had looked up bookstores around the Ramsey location, so we next stopped at a Barnes & Noble that was about a quarter mile away. It’s always a thrill to walk inside
and find my books on the shelf. See that cheesy smile? I’ve learned that I can collect my books and take them to customer service, and the staff are always delighted to have me sign them.
Eric leaned over and asked if they’d checked my I.D. because if I was Cara Putman, he was John Grisham. The clerk looked a little bit like a deer caught in headlights! After buying a couple more books, we headed to the Lifeway that was a quarter mile up the road. When we got there, they told us the mall was already closed, and they’d been told to close–at 3:30! Now we KNEW we were in the south!
The Lifeway had a stack of Imperfect Justice and Beyond Justice and asked me to sign them all, so they could make an endcap with them. The manager told me they knew Imperfect Justice because they had to fill the hole each day. That is music to this author’s ears!
Wednesday we spent several hours at Thomas Nelson talking about future books and marketing. It was such fun to see the team. As I left, the publicist loaded me up with ARCS of the crazy first cover for Imperfect Justice. So read to the end so you can enter the giveaway for the first one!
After that it was time for the ACFW board meeting. If you’re curious about this year, here’s a short little live video I took Friday morning. I am so excited about the conference! We’re really mixing things up in a good way. It’s going to be awesome, and not just because Debbie Macomber is the keynote speaker!
Be sure to enter the contest for the crazy cover version of Imperfect Justice! I’d love to fill your mailbox. And don’t forget Imperfect Justice is on ebook sale until the end of this month for $1.99. That’s cheaper than a cup of coffee, so a great time to buy.
Comments 8
It sounds like this was a crazy fun kind of a trip. I’d love one of those “imperfect” covers
. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity.
Perrianne, It was so fun!
I’m actually reading several right now but the one I was reading before I left for work is The Witnesses by Robert Whitlow and I would recommend it. It is a legal thriller with some interesting twists with how God can speak to us and “show” us things. I’m also reading The View from Rainshadow Bay and Lynette Eason’s Oath of Honor, I would strongly recommend both of those too.
Both Colleen and Lynette’s books were excellent!
The South is interesting in the South. I grew up in Maryland when it takes a lot of snow to close everything. In South Mississippi the hint of snow closes things and a couple of inches , you just stay home. Love the story of your trip.
Thanks, Melinda. It was a great trip!
Sounds like a fun ‘working’ trip.
I just finished up Just the Way You Are by Pepper Basham last night… Tonight I am going to start Love Gone Wild by Amy Matayo. Both are new authors to me! My reading resolution for the year is to read more new to me authors, especially if their books have been languishing on my book shelf for a while.
The book I am currently reading right now is A Wreath of Snow by Liz Curtis Higgs. It is historical fiction and very good so far! I would highly recommend it