there are less than 58 days until this year’s ACFW conference. Ack!
I LOVE conference.
I wouldn’t be where I am without it, but here’s the list of things I have to do before then:
- Finish the manuscript for A Promise Forged: August 1
- Finish the sample chapters for a requested proposal: August 1
- review the three Nebraska books for Cornhusker Dreams: July 27
- Rewrite the proposal and sample chapters for the third LIS book after talking with my editor last week: August 15th or sooner.
- Write more sample chapters for another requested proposal. August 1 to 15th.
- Lead an ACFW course on preparing for conference
- Lead the ACFW first timers eloop
- Maintain membership officer responsibilities
- Begin homeschooling around August 1, though we never truly stopped
- Be a good wife
- Be a good mom
- Be a good friend.
You get the idea.
So what’s going on in your life right now that has you clinging to God? I’ll pull a winner of a book. 
Comments 3
Hey, Cara!!! Do your kiddos want to come “out to the farm” for another afternoon?? We would love to have them!!!!!!!! Email or call me!!
Wow, wow, WOW!! You are a busy lady!
Right now for me, I’m getting ready for the Oregon Christian Writer’s conference that begins next Monday.
I’m trying to get as much done on my second draft as possible so I can say I’m that much closer come next week.
Getting ready for VBS with drama rehearsals.
I also have concerts and rehearsals for the community choir I’m in.
Getting ready for family the first week of August.
And being every ready and on my toes for when we get the call for our first foster child.
Oh, my. Now I’m freaking out!!! I better get going on a few things!!
Fresh out a high school, what am I going to do how??? I know WHAT I want to do, but not sure HOW it is all going to come together. I have/am trusting that God has my best interest at heart. He knows just what needs to happen in my life. I tell you, nothing feels better than turning my life over to Him and letting HIM be in control rather than spend precious days of my life worrying. Thanks for the blog, it’s very uplifting. Where is this ACFW conference and is it only for published writer’s?