ACFW Conference Photos

CaraACFW, writing life 4 Comments

Gina Conroy and me post Gala

ACFW was an amazing week. Yes, week. I left last Tuesday so I could attend a board dinner and didn’t return until Monday afternoon just in time for 4:30 gymnastics. It was so good…but exhausting. Even the Energizer Bunny runs out of energy eventually.

So I thought I’d share some photos with you today. I’m usually terrible with getting photos, but thanks to Facebook, have some great ones to share with you without going through all kinds of contortions to get them off my camera and on to a computer to upload. That’ll wait 🙂

So the first photo is me with my writing friend

Barbour used their sponsorship slides to remind people how many contracts 
they’ve awarded at ACFW. I’m in the bottom row in the middle.

Gina Conroy. She was one of the first people I met when I joined ACFW. Gina also helped me learn how to write so it is a thrill to have a novella collection coming out that both of us are in. Watch for Cherry Blossom Capers in January. Preorder it for Christmas!

This next photo is one of the slides Barbour had up reminding us of all the first contracts the company has awarded at conference. My favorite part!

Val Comer, Rebecca Germany, Annalisa Dougherty, me, and Nicole O’Dell
Little Guy and me on the Tom Sawyer river cruise with Barbour authors.
Judy Christie with the copy of Ohio Brides she won in a fun bookstore contest.
My week started and ended with ACFW board meetings.

Comments 4

  1. I’m amazed you took on the board position with your boy. Makes the effort of my coming to conference with my boy pale in comparison. Sometimes I wonder at us super mommas. 🙂 Angie Dicken had her 5 month old girl with her. And people say writers are crazy–Momma writers are even crazier!

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