ACFW Conference…tick tock, tick tock

CaraACFW 1 Comment

Have you noticed the lovely widget I have on my blog? Look to the right, and you’ll see it ticking down to this year’s ACFW conference.

My mom laughed at me because practically the day after last year’s conference ended, I updated the widget and it began counting down to this year’s. So why am I excited about this year’s conference?

My first year (2005) I went to learn everything I could about writing. I came home with pages of notes on how to improve the craft and contacts with editors and agents that I couldn’t have formed easily in any other way.

My second year (2006) I received my first contract (for Canteen Dreams) in front of everybody on opening night. I continued to make invaluable connections with people inside the industry, and came home with even more tips on how to improve my writing as well as a letter of intent on that first book. Wow!

My third year (2007) was my first as chair of the Conference Planning Committee and on the Operating Board for ACFW. I also was part of a panel for a Late Night Chat. I love to talk, so that was a ton of fun. I made even more friends, got even less sleep, and managed to find time to attend a few classes and learn. I also continued to deepen relationships with people in the industry and formed some new friendships.

This year I’ll participate in a Late Night Chat on writing buddies. I know I wouldn’t be where I am without the friendships and working relationships that have formed primarily through ACFW. I will also get to participate in the book signing — get this! — at the Mall of America!!!! We anticipate 100 of your favorite Christian authors will sign books on Saturday, September 20 from 1-3 p.m. So if you are in the area, plan to swing by.

Each year God has exceeded the expectations I bring to the conference. I cannot wait to see what He has in store for this year!

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