ACFW Mall of America Booksigning

CaraACFW 3 Comments

Here are some photos from the booksigning! First up is Missy Tippens. I love what she did with her table. Missy Tippens at her lovely table.Here are Karen Ball and Angie Hunt after their panel. We ran panels in both the Best Buy Rotunda and the Bloomingdale’s Court. Thanks to the authors who willingly spoke and drew people to our signing!

Here we’ve got Susan May Warren and Jill Elizabeth Nelson talking to folks and signing. And then there’s John Olson handing out Dinosaur poop — perfect for Fossil Hunter.

And this last photo is one of me with Pam Williams. Pam and her daughter flew into Minneapolis and hung around the conference bookstore for a day meeting authors. I didn’t put it together at the time, but I know we’ve corresponded. They weren’t able to stay for the booksigning — what dedicated readers to come all that way just to meet authors! Thanks, Pam, for sending me the photo!

I hope some one took a photo of me at the booksigning!
I may post more later, but the event was wonderful! Now back to writing 🙂 I’ve got 40,000 words to write and edit before October 7! Please pray for me.

For more photos be sure to stop by Karen Ball’s blog.

Comments 3

  1. I also attended the book signing at the Mall of America. Just briefly chatted with you. So many authors, so little time. I wish the event had been three hours long, then I would have been able to visit every author there.

    I look forward to reading your books.


  2. I found you through another author and another author. I love reading friends on authors websites. I saw 4 authors on your website I am on their mailing list. Then I came to this blog and almost all those author’s books I have read and get their newsletter. God Bless.

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