ACFW tool for Readers

CaraACFW 3 Comments

ACFW has developed a wonderful new tool for readers. Check here to see what it’s all about.

If you follow the link, you will see a new section for readers. It has three basic components right now, but we fully expect those to expand in the next year.

1) Genre list. This tool was unveiled in paper at the Mall of America signing. My sister Janna Ryan, who many of you met at the conference or know from her blog, put lots of hours into this project for us! This list is by no means exhaustive, but it is a great place to start if you are looking for new authors to try.

2) There is also an author list/database. This allows you to enter an author’s name and get a short sentence about what they write as well as a link to their website and shoutlife page.

3) There is a list of books divided by social issue. Looking for a book that deals with abortion, divorce, etc.? Then look here. Deborah Raney has kindly allowed us to post her list that has been developed over time, and ACFW will add to it over time.

So if you’re looking for new authors to try or new books to read, check out this resource!

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