Today I got an education.
You see I’m serving as local counsel for a large Ohio firm who is defending a large national company in a lawsuit. You’d recognize it if I named the company, but I won’t — attorney client privilege and all. And really the company is irrelevant to the revelation I got today.
Today we had oral arguments in the case: the kind of oral arguments that could keep us from having a trial. Very big for the client. My colleague from Ohio came in to argue the facts, while I would argue the law. I love days like today — or at least the idea of them. The rush of preparing, knowing the arguments cold, so I can wow the judge with my verbal prowess and mental acumen. But maybe that’s only in my dreams
Dave and I graduated from law school in the same year. But we took two very different paths. He went straight to a large firm, while I took a year for a federal clerkship, and then after moving to Indiana found a job with a great firm that’s small by big city standards. The benefits were amplified for me today. You see, I think Dave is brilliant. I am honored to be able to work with him and learn from him and the partner on the case. Dave can write a brief that sings. But today was his first oral argument. It wasn’t mine. Instead, since almost the day I started at the firm, I’ve been thrown into all kinds of situations in court. I LOVE the pressure, the way my mind has to zip and zap from idea to concept. I know how to prepare, so today I wasn’t stressed…I had a few butterflies, but they mainly flew in formation.
Dave’s first oral argument ended up being a disappointment, not because of his performance, but because the judge truncated our time. Dave’s briefs were so well argued, that the judge didn’t want them regurgitated to him.
So while I occasionally wonder what it would be like to practice in a large firm, today I was reminded that I’ve had incredible opportunities because God placed me with the firm He did.
Now I’m just waiting for Him to show me how He’s going to use all this skill and knowledge He’s giving me!
Comments 1
Just think how much more time you’d have to invest in a larger firm. At the point you and I are with our children, it’s so nice to be able to do what we love without sacrificing time with our children. You kinda get the best of both worlds where you’re at.
Not to mention time to write the great american novel.