Book Talk: Action-Packed Romance

CaraPanel, Podcast, Romantic Suspense Leave a Comment

Book Talk: Action-Packed Romance

Listen to the episode with Lynette Eason, Lynn H. Blackburn, and Natalie Walters

Y’all, I always have way too much fun with these romantic suspense-writing friends. Today is no exception. Lynette Eason, Lynn H. Blackburn, and Natalie Walters are authors whose books are those I preorder and read the moment they land on my Kindle or in my mailbox. In fact, I often end up with multiple copies. In this episode, I may have gushed about their latest novels, which happened to be the last books in each of their series. They claimed they were the hardest to write. I’m not sure I buy it because I adored the way the hero and heroine came together in each. We talked about what makes a great hero. The challenge about writing the last book in a series. And so much more. Enjoy — because we sure did!

Connect with Lynette Eason
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Connect with Lynn H. Blackburn
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Connect with Natalie Walters
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Thank You to Revell for Sponsoring This Episode!

Want to watch this interview? You can see this episode as well as multiple others on YouTube! Enjoy!

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