Book Talk: BTS: Across the Shores

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Book Talk: BTS: Across the Shores

Listen to the Behind the Scenes episode for Across the Shores

Do you ever wonder where authors get their ideas?

Today I share the story behind the story for my novella Love Along the Shores in the Across the Shores collection that was released in April 2023. The authors for this collection were on the show earlier this summer, which was such fun, but now I wanted to give you more about why I wanted to dive into this particular story from WWII. This was a story I first had the idea for back in 2011 or 2012, but that doesn’t mean it was a quick research when I sat down. In fact, the trickiest part was figuring out exactly which of the Outer Banks islands to place it on. Once I got that identified, the rest came together pretty quickly because I knew the history and the characters.

Do you already know about this piece of our WWII history? Let me know in the comments!

Want to watch this interview? You can see this episode as well as multiple others on YouTube! Enjoy!

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