Book Talk: Mitch Albom

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Book Talk: Mitch Albom

Listen to the episode with Mitch Albom

Today it’s a delight to introduce you to Mitch Albom. I have enjoyed each of his books that I have read including Tuesdays with Morrie and The Stranger in the Lifeboat, so I was intrigued by his latest novel The Little Liar. We live in a day where truth can feel so elusive and difficult to find, that the theme of truth is critically important. Then I saw that the book starts during World War II and I was hooked. Y’all know, I am a student of that time period and write books set then, but the war in Greece was new and fascinating to me.

The pursuit of truth and the impacts of twisting truth are so brilliantly woven into this novel. I loved learning how Mitch approaches the theme and story. This conversation felt like a twenty-minute masterclass in some ways while also being so engaging. There are decisions we make as writers, and he lets us behind the curtain into some of the decisions he made while writing The Little Liar. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

Thanks for joining us for this episode of Book Talk. You’ll be inspired! And be sure to share it and the book with a friend.

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Want to watch this interview? You can see this episode as well as multiple others on YouTube! Enjoy!

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