Book Talk: Patricia Bradley

CaraPodcast, Romantic Suspense Leave a Comment

Book Talk: Patricia Bradley

Listen to the episode with Patricia Bradley

Writing can be an intense process, and today I’m talking to a woman who has written 18 full-length novels since 2013 in addition to many shorter-length romantic suspense books. Patricia Bradley is wonderful at creating stories that pull you deeply into character-driven stories that are filled with questions because she starts with a question. What if?… As a plantser, she often feels like she’s driving in a fog. She can only see so far down the road of the book and can only plot so far. Writing allows her to create something of a world she can control, but ultimately, she has to remain true to the characters and how they will overcome the challenges that are placed in front of them.

In her latest book, Deadly Revenge, Patricia has created a world filled with challenges that just might kill her characters. It’s a twisty world out there, but one worth exploring.

You’ll find Patricia writing something every day… even a grocery list… as she works to fill her books with characters who have motive, means, and opportunity. A lot can change as the story unfolds. This year you’ll find her celebrating turning in her next book by taking the time to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas for the first time in years with family. I think it’s about time!

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Want to watch this interview? You can see this episode as well as multiple others on YouTube! Enjoy!

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