Book Talk: Steven James

CaraContemporary, Podcast, Suspense Leave a Comment

Book Talk: Steven James

Listen to the episode with Steven James

From the moment I read my first Patrick Bowers novel, I’ve been a huge fan of Steven James‘ books. Then I met him at ThrillerFest. Since then we’ve interacted through ACFW and other organizations, and I’ve come to admire Steven as a master writer and teacher of writing. That’s why I’m excited to introduce you to Steven in this episode of Book Talk.
In his latest novel, Broker of Lies, Steven has created a hero who isn’t an action hero. Unlike Patrick Bowers, who is a profiler in the FBI, Travis Brock is an attorney who is a redactor of FOIA requests for the Pentagon. In Fatal Domain, Brock and the rest of the Red Team are back and on a hunt that leads Travis deeper into a collision with his past. One of the things I love about Steven’s books is the way they twist and turn, and this one is no exception. He’s showing us what might be possible with tech and taking us to a place where we might feel uncomfortable.
In this episode, Steven and I talk about the books, but we also talk about his writing process. For Steven, it’s always about the characters first and then the story emerges as he writes. He calls story a collision of desires. What is pursued? and What setbacks and desires occur along the way? What would make an honest response for the character in that situation? I also love how Steven talks about wanting the climax to be a moment where he has written himself into a corner and has to find a way out. He wants to play to readers’ expectations and then twist them. These are just a few of the techniques Steven shares with us in this chapter of Book Talk with Cara. I can’t wait to hear what you think and if you’ve read any of his books.

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Want to watch this interview? You can see this episode as well as multiple others on YouTube! Enjoy!

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