Books I Loved in August + Giveaway

CaraFiction Friday 3 Comments

I think because classes started this week at Purdue, I’ve been in a race to read some good books. The above are just a few of them that I’ve inhaled and recommended. Here’s why I loved them:

The Price of Valor is Susan May Warren at the top of her writing game. Susie is a master of creating characters and plot that will not let me go as a reader. This book is no exception. From the opening scene to the final pages, it’s a race to uncover the truth about Ham’s relationship with his wife and her relationship with CIA. Throw in a host of wonderful characters, many I’ve come to know and love through earlier books, and it was a great read! A perfect wrap up to this series. Right mix of romance, mystery, and a taste of suspense.

The Price of Dreams was the first of Toni Shiloh’s books that I’ve read, but it won’t be the last. The Price of Dreams is a sweet romance with delightful characters. Third in a series, I hadn’t read the others but was able to fully enjoy this one. It explores the challenges of an interracial relationship in a way that pulls back the curtain on the challenges. I highly recommend it for those who love clean, inspirational romance.

In Unknown Threat, Lynn Blackburn has created a page-turning novel with all the elements I’ve come to love in her books. The hero and heroine are unique and compelling, while surrounded by a rich cast that adds depth to the story. The suspense thread is intense and pulses with energy and pressure. And the romance? It’s perfection with tension to keep me rooting for the characters. It’s a perfect read for those who love engaging stories that are threaded with hope.

I adore Rachel’s royal stories and To Love a Prince is a new favorite. I inhaled it in 24 hours, reading my Kindle as I walked…it’s that good. Daffy is a heroine I rooted for from the earliest pages, and it was delightful to see Prince Gus in his settings whether that was a Florida beach or the halls of a castle. Add the spiritual elements that break through the veil — this book is a spiritual fairy tale that will leave you sighing and smiling at the end. As well as wondering who the next book will be about!

I’ve also been reading/listening to some non-fiction. I found Team of Five to be an utterly fascinating look at the relationships between presidents and former presidents. I really enjoyed this peek into the historical and current relationships. The author includes chapters on the first ladies and children as well. My history and poli sci loving mind inhaled this book — and it’s almost ten hours of audio.

Now for some fun. Friends, I was looking at a couple of my platforms the other day and realized I’m really close to 2,000 followers on Instagram and Bookbub. I’m also crazy close to 11,000 on Twitter. This giveaway is your chance to follow me and see different parts of me. You can use the form below to enter the giveaway.

I will give away one copy of Delayed Justice. But I want to do more. When each platform crosses it’s next threshold, I’ll add a book from my Hidden Justice series and a winner to the giveaway. Spread the word! I’m ready to giveaway books! All you have to do is use the from below to follow along. Also feel free to share this far and wide. This giveaway is not limited to the US — I welcome my international friends to enter and if they win will use Book Depository for paper copies.

Follow me on Bookbub to see books I’m recommending and stay up to date on new releases and sales. On Instagram, you’ll see quite a mix of my life and family.

What have you read and enjoyed this month? What’s your favorite place to interact with authors?

Comments 3

  1. My husband and I have been devouring the daily devotions (direct words from God) written by Frances Roberts called Come Away My Beloved! Even though it was written in the 60’s it is definitely very appropriate for today!

  2. I am reading Jaime Jo Wright’s latest, The Haunting at Bonaventure Circus. She certainly writes an excellent time split novel and I am really enjoying it.

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