Brainstorming, Changes, and Sales– oh my!

Carafamily Leave a Comment

Right now I’m in the season of writing where I’m wrapping up one project and preparing ideas for new books. It means, a dizzying array of what ifs are playing through my mind. On Saturday morning I found twelve ideas just flipping through the headlines of the weekend edition of the Wall Street Journal. Now I need to massage them, combine them, and see what comes out to play.

I’m excited to see what comes out of this time of brainstorming and dreaming. I know the setting will be DC and the books will have legal threads. Beyond that, I’m a blank slate. Praying and asking God for wisdom and direction.

Our family is headed into big changes next week. On Monday we move our oldest into a dorm at Purdue University as she starts orientation for her freshman year. How on earth did this happen? She is so ready! I’m just glad I’ll be able to see her at church and on short walks across campus when she slows down enough to miss me 🙂

Then on Tuesday the other kids start school. For the first time in twelve years I won’t be homeschooling. That’s a crazy, impossible thought. We really thought we’d/I’d be homeschooling until our youngest was ready for high school in five or six years. Now we have an opportunity for the youngest two to go to a small community school that looks like it could be a great fit. So we’re all in for a year, and then we’ll pray and see what God has for these precious kids next. Our oldest son absolutely thrived in his freshman year, so we’re excited for him to be a sophomore, though his class schedule will be intense with three honors classes and three college classes. Gulp.

Through August 15th, A Promise Forged is on ebook sale for 99 cents.

I thought some of you might enjoy this WWII homefront story set in the All American Girls Professional Softball/Baseball League. It was such a fun book to write! You can buy it from your favorite ebook retailer here.

Finally, thanks to all who joined in the retitling of my book. The winners of that contest have been selected and contacted. If you would like to take advantage of the sale for the last ten copies of the book at the $4 plus $3 s/h in the United States, click on the image and choose the Paypal option.


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