Are you a writer? My #1 tip!

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If you’ve read my blog for any length of time, you know that I am a huge proponent of American Christian Fiction Writers. I firmly believe I wouldn’t be the writer I am and published like I am but for ACFW and attending its conference. I’ve also served for years on the operating board and now executive board because I …

ACFW Board Meetings!

CaraACFW 1 Comment

Today I’m in downtown Indianapolis for ACFW Executive board meetings. We’re plotting and strategizing for the future. We’re also setting the schedule for the fall national conference. Woot! The conference is coming up September 13-15 in downtown Indianapolis. I am so excited. We already have editors and agents signing up to attend. This year I will be offering mentor appointments …

Want to take your writing to the next level?

CaraACFW, writing 1 Comment

I’m thrilled that my friend Tricia Goyer and I will be co-teaching a continuing education class at ACFW’s conference this fall. This is just one of six sessions — the only thing that makes me sad about teaching is that I can’t attend one of the other sessions! Here’s more about our sessions: In this class multi-published, award-winning authors Cara …

ACFW: Always evolving

CaraACFW 3 Comments

Yesterday and today I’ve been in meetings planning a big new adventure for ACFW. If you’re dream includes writing a book, then you really need to check out ACFW. My writing journey would look very different without the things I have learned from ACFW members. This year I came back on the board as publicity officer. That’s always an adventure, …

ACFW Conference Photos

CaraACFW, writing life 4 Comments

Gina Conroy and me post Gala ACFW was an amazing week. Yes, week. I left last Tuesday so I could attend a board dinner and didn’t return until Monday afternoon just in time for 4:30 gymnastics. It was so good…but exhausting. Even the Energizer Bunny runs out of energy eventually. So I thought I’d share some photos with you today. …

ACFW…Here I Come

CaraACFW, writing life 1 Comment

When you read this, I’m getting in ACFW board meetings. Then tomorrow, the conference starts. The conference really is the highlight of my writing year. I can’t wait to see so many of my friends that I only get to see once a year. Facebook is great, but it’s not the same as seeing and hugging people. I’m also looking forward …

The Moral Premise

CaraACFW, writing advice 3 Comments

Right now I’m reading a book called the Moral Premise. The author Stanley D. Williams will teach the Early Bird at ACFW in September, and like any good hyper student, I wanted to get a head start on preparing. The Moral Premise reveals the foundational concept at the heart of all storytelling and successful box office movies. In concrete terms …

It’s Almost Here: ACFW Conference

CaraACFW, writing advice 5 Comments

This week I’ve started one of my favorite times of the year, running first time orientation for the ACFW conference. A few years ago we realized that approximately a third of our attendees any given year were first timers. I’ll never forget my first time at conference in 2005. I went with a fellow writer from Indiana — a gal …

Looking for Great Books to Read? 2010 Carol Award Winners

CaraACFW Leave a Comment

Sunday evening, the winners of the 2010 Carol Awards were announced at the ACFW conference banquet. It was such fun to celebrate as friends’ books were recognized for their excellence. I don’t know how the judges choose between so many wonderful options. However, I can state with absolutely no qualms that these authors and their books are wonderful. Extra excited …