You’re Already Amazing

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You’re already amazing. As women, isn’t that a concept that we really struggle with? I know I do. I’ve spent weeks and months studying to understand who God says I am. To understand my identity in Him and how to use who He created me to help others. Looking for a resource for women? @cara_putman recommends @holleygerth You’re Already Amazing. …

The one Christmas tradition I “don’t” like

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Today my friend Melissa Tagg is posting about her most un-favorite Christmas tradition: I love lots of Christmas traditions: Classic Christmas movies. (Somebody posted a comment on Facebook the other day asking if she’s missing out by never having seen It’s a Wonderful Life. It was all I could do to stop crying and pull myself together before replying.) Christmas …

In Search of Simplicity – at Christmas?

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Today, my friend Courtney Walsh shares about finding Christmas simplicity — is that an oxymoron? Lately my seven-year-old, Sam has been asking me if Santa is real. It dawned on me today when he told me the Santa that visited his chapel at school was absolutely not real because he had black tape on his shoes (Impostor!), that he was at that …

A Christmas Song

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Today I’m delighted to share with you Katherine Reay’s post in our fa-la-la-la-la Christmas giveaway. This weekend I was off-line because my cousin got married. Family came to town and we celebrated an absolutely gorgeous weekend – full of love, laughter and Christmas. Both my girls decided that this was the season for a wedding – the music is amazing …

Starry, Starry Night

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“Play Starry, Starry Night!” For as long as I can remember, my Dad played the acoustic guitar for his daughters. And for as far back as the sweet sound of those guitar melodies go in my mind’s ear, I can remember asking him to play Starry, Starry Night (or,Vincent). Over and over I’d ask. And again and again he would play. Fingerpicking like a …

christmas gifts: the unexpected and expectations

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Today Beth Vogt is kicking off our Christmas Blog tour! This is not a sentimental Christmas memory … and I do have my husband’s permission to share this story. Once upon a Christmas time, my husband and I were newlyweds celebrating our very first Christmas together. Our tiny one-bedroom apartment was festive, thanks to the shiny silver aluminum Christmas tree …