Speed Blogging Tips for the Busy Blogger

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Some debate the merits of blogging as part of a writer’s platform, but many publishers and readers still want to see that an author has a permanent way to interact with readers. In an age where social media rules and uses constantly change, it’s also a good idea to have a presence that you own. But what do you do on the days you forget to write? Or the days where nothing much comes to you that seems worth saying? Here are a few tips to help you over the hump.

5 blogs that encourage me

Carablogging 4 Comments

From time to time we all need encouragement or a shot in the arm. We need a place we can stop for a few minutes, read a post that challenges, encourages or uplifts us, and maybe find a moment of truth and grace with our Heavenly Father. In a blogosphere that is so cluttered with everybody talking, here are a …

Social Media: the Race to Keep up…

Carablogging, social media, writing life Leave a Comment

As an author, I’m expected to have a social media presence. I started blogging years ago, because writers were supposed to…long before they were published. Somewhere in there, a friend built my first website. Thanks, Lisa! Then last year, I hired a designer. Then came Twitter. And Facebook. And now Google+. It’s enough to make my head spin and keep …