It’s the start of a new year and that’s an exciting time. It means it’s time for a new reading challenge. I use Goodreads to track the books I read (in 2024, that was 100 books), but I know others use different tools. However, whatever tool you use, I love being able to go back and check which books …
Ebooks or Paperbacks?
The other day I woke up dreaming about the ebook v. paperback debate. It’s something authors do. Something readers probably understand. I am a give-me-a-physical-book-I-can-hold kind of reader. You see, while I’m an author I adore books! It’s not unusual for me to inhale two or three a week while managing the rest of my life including homeschooling, lecturing, and …
Candy Cane Traditions
I wanted to introduce you to our newest family Christmas tradition — one that grew out of writing a book. In my latest book, Where Treetops Glisten, the heroine in my novella works at a candy shop that opened in Lafayette, Indiana, in 1912. The name’s changed (today it’s McCords), but they still make the same Christmas candy canes the …
On My Nightstand
I’ll be the first to tell you I have eclectic taste. That means I read pretty widely, across genres. Sure I have my go to genres, but I don’t exclusively read in one or another. Today my nightstand is loaded with several different books that I’ve started, but with classes as demanding as they are right now, I don’t have …
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Shadowed by Grace “With an authentic knowledge of World War II history, a gentle hand of artistry, and a heart for true love, Cara Putman has written a story that stole my heart.”…