Basketball, books, and more oh my

Carafamily Leave a Comment

I grew up loving college sports…but football. I’m from Nebraska after all. But when I moved to Indiana, Purdue wasn’t very good at football. Drew Brees had graduated and let’s just say it wasn’t necessarily the glory days. Still I ADORE college football.There’s just something about it.And part of that is that Nebraska has been traditionally really bad at college basketball. …

A trip, beauty, and a Giveaway

Carafamily, giveaway 6 Comments

This has been a quick week with a trip to North Carolina for a conference/vacation. I’ve had the opportunity to learn and present at a scholarship of teaching and learning conference tied to my day job while also exploring the North Carolina mountains with my family. It’s a last hurrah before life gets insane with the start of school and …

Living Life Well

Carafamily, Uncategorized 1 Comment

Grandma was a constant in my life. She lived on the family farm until about four years ago and then she moved into a duplex in town. You always knew she was up for a game and taught us new ones into the last year. In September, she was still beating us in multiple games, but Five Crowns was a …

A Quick Escape and Rediscovering the Fun in Writing

Carafamily Leave a Comment

For years, I’ve written hard. In the chaos of life, while working other jobs, traveling, and so much more. I love all of my books, and writing them has pushed me in unique ways. Sometimes the pressure has removed the joy from writing. Have you ever had that happen? Something you love becomes a job rather than a joy? It’s …

Brainstorming, Changes, and Sales– oh my!

Carafamily Leave a Comment

Right now I’m in the season of writing where I’m wrapping up one project and preparing ideas for new books. It means, a dizzying array of what ifs are playing through my mind. On Saturday morning I found twelve ideas just flipping through the headlines of the weekend edition of the Wall Street Journal. Now I need to massage them, …

3 Tips to Lessen Summertime Craziness

Carafamily, Parenting Leave a Comment

Summer is upon us. After a winter that threatened to never end, the days are long, the weather is warm, and the pool is open. Summer Calendar going crazy? @Cara_Putman shares 3 tips to easy the #crazy. Click To Tweet If your family calendar looks anything like ours, it’s downright scary. We’re only four days into June and I’m already daunted. …

Celebrating 50 Years of Love

Carafamily 1 Comment

This weekend, my family flew to Orlando to join the rest of my clan for a celebration. My parents will celebrate fifty years together later this month. This is the clan on Saturday at Magic Kingdom. Mom and Dad are in the middle in the royal blue shirts, while the rest of us are clustered around. What started as two …