A Summer to Remember — Sharon Lovejoy Autry The final bell rang. The kids screamed for joy. Mom sits in the carpool line wondering, “What in the world are we going to do all summer?!” Maybe as summer has begun, you’ve found yourself resentful and angry because your children constantly “interrupt” your schedule. If that’s how you’re feeling, you’re normal. …
This couldn’t wait to post :-)
Hot off the camera and real life. This is what big brothers are for Fortunately, she enjoys the attention. And here’s a link to a great interview with Doc Hensley on writing more efficiently. If I wrote more non-fiction, I’d definitely adopt his approach. Wow! Talk about maximizing time and effort.
Things that make you go UGHHHH!
Our cat has become quite adept at what cats do. As I write this he is munching on something or other that he caught. Don’t ask what, because I am SOOO not going to check. Eric cleaned up parts a couple days ago. Jonathan got a biology lesson. UGH! His first statement, “It was gross! But let me tell you …
A Reader is Born!
Here are a couple fun photos of Eric and the kids from this week. Eric is such a phenomenal dad. The kids are blessed to have him. Rebecca turned four months old this week. She’s sitting very well with minimal support. I can’t believe how big she’s getting already.
Amen and Hallelujah
This morning I slipped on a beautiful bracelet a friend gave me at least year’s ACFW conference. I was sitting here at the computer, holding little Rebecca as I “try” to work and saw the words on the bracelet again. Hallelujah and Amen. What bookends to the last 18 months. Amen to God’s goodness even when I don’t understand things …
Dance Praise Fun
Tonight the kids and I got out the Dance Praise dance pads and had a good ole time. Eric’s traveling so Jonathan thought it would be a great idea to get them out. He was right! Even Rebecca loved the dancing. She thought it was great fun praising with me. And I got some exercise, we all got some praise …
Here are a few photos to show y’all where we’ve been the last 9 days. We escaped to Arizona to help celebrate my parents’ 40th Anniversary. It was a great trip! This photo is the clan at the misnamed Montezuma’s Castle. The weather was delightful that day and everyone had a great time learning how to be an archaeologist. …